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Jyllandsposten, August 2015

Por Allen Shakir

LAWA has been published in Jyllandsposten as part of an article about Formland in Herning. 

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Ældresagen NU, August 2015

Por Allen Shakir

The latest edition of Ældresagen NU features an article about Allen (co-founder of LAWA) and his mother, Tania Shakir. The article portrays their background and...

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LAWA DESIGN wins ELLE Decoration award!

Por Allen Shakir

We are proud to announce that we have just been awarded the first prize in ELLE Decoration Polska’s design competition for young talents 2015!Press:ELLE DecorationGdynia...

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Eunique, May 2015

Por Allen Shakir

As part of the Eunique design fair in Karlsruhe, LAWA was published in the 'Newcomer' section of the showguide.

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Liebhaverboligen, January 2015

Por Allen Shakir

LAWA has been published in the magazine Liebhaverboligen. Check it out here. 

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